You are meant for something better.

If I were to rate the top 5 most important habits:

1. Discipline. Discipline drives your actions and mindset. It helps you train for that marathon even when you don’t feel like it.

2. A good mindset. Without a positive and growth mindset, you end up in cycles of procrastination, worry, and doubt. You find yourself embracing good habits only to convince yourself it doesn’t really matter. You end up in the comfort zone. Prepare your mindset and you will be 30% there.

3. Consistency. Consistency is the most important for progress. Even 5 minutes of writing a day on and off will produce progress. You will be astounded at how far you’ve come.

4. Exercise. I’ve included this one because if you do nothing else on this list, this is what’s going to save you. If you exercise even 3 times a week doing the most basic exercise like walking outside or cleaning your house, you are already 10% there. If you do more challenging exercise like a 15 minute HIIT workout 3 times a week and walk 6000 steps (or even 3000 steps) the other days, you are 20% there. If you do that consistently for a month, you are 30% there. Exercise does not have to mean working out until you feel like you can’t. That is an excellent feeling and you should try that at least once in your life. Once you start something, it becomes exciting and easier. You love the challenges more. You become someone who likes exercising. But you don’t have to. Start somewhere. It’s better to do a routine that is sustainable for you. Yet, do not doubt yourself. You are stronger than you think. Disclaimer: Speak to your physician before beginning any intensive exercise routine.

5. Go outside. You don’t have to walk or run or even talk to anyone. Just go outside. Feel the sunlight on your face, breathe the fresh air, and hear the birds sing. I know some of this is cringe, but it is life. We are not meant to sit at a desk for 16 hours and feel dread for the next day. We are meant to shine. You are destined for something bigger.

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